Creative Recovery

Creative Recovery

Book Club & Workshop

Gathering to study the power of art, harmonic nature, and compassionate community to heal suffering at the deepest level, especially its common expression through the mandable of addiction to substances, as well as any compulsive appetancy that leaves one emptier for the indulgence. Exemplified using the works and lives of great writers who lived the same obsessive patterns of use.

Excavation: Unleash your inner genii ~ ~ ~

Your unique treasury of gifts, potentials and unknowns wait in latency to be wakened and unfold. By melting complex shame that keeps us from expressing our authentic selves, we begin to feel the first inklings of the cosmic gold of the creative adept at the center of each individual. Whether caught in the grip of an actual chemical substance or just the inertia of old, art as the language of the soul has the ability to transform our most stubborn lulls, clear us of poison, be our birth and renewal, and to save our very lives.

Within this description are quotes and images from the first textual object of our meditation, the book by Linda Schierse Leonard titled Witness to the Fire | Creativity and the Veil of Addiction.
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