The Inner Reality Of Spheres

No one like you. That's why each highly personalized offering depends on your unique developmental needs right now, which we will try to chart via a brief exchange over airwaves 
before beginning officially.


The Inner Reality Of Spheres ••• Intuitive Astrological Consultations

We use your birth chart to divine information about your unique talents, skills, challenges and potentials. We will try to adopt a bird's eye view of your lifelong unfolding by identifying key themes and events that run like threads through a life, uncovering their meaning in the context of the soul's evolutionary imperative, and determining fruitful devices for growth. Transits and progressions tell not of events but archetypes to come, so that you may commune with their energies in the highest expression of free will. I hold a torch as we walk through your inner world. Spiritual crises like depression can be explored in an atmosphere of loving acceptance. Healing may mean addressing painful early experiences or ancestral traumas, identifying those thoughts that are poison to spirit, and learning how to show compassionate self-love.